
Non-Profit Spotlight @ Fargo Mom

Focus Ahead gets featured in a non-profit spotlight article on Fargo Mom.

Non-Profit Spotlight: Focus Ahead – By Ashlee Cournia, July 8, 2024

Rare Disease Day – Meet the community of people affected by LCA-RDH12

Rare Disease Day® takes place worldwide, typically on or near the last day of February each year, to raise awareness among policymakers and the public about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. In this short video you get introduced to some people across the globe with the rare disease LCA-RDH12 Inherited Retinal Dystrophy.

RDH12 Alliance Video


Bringing the Voices of People Living with LCA Directly to the FDA

Allison Wolf, Executive Director of Focus Ahead, advocates for Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) research during an FDA Patient Listening Session hosted by Hope in Focus.

Hope in Focus Brings Voices of People Living with LCA Directly to the FDA – Hope in Focus – By Paul H. Hebner, December 7, 2023


Research News